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Cairgo - Dunnage Bags For Damage Prevention's glossary
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Glossary - I


See International Association of Classification Societies.


See International Air Transport Association.

I.A.T.A. Cargo Agent

An agent approved by I.A.T.A. and registered in the I.A.T.A. Cargo Agency List. This enables the agent, upon authorisation of the I.A.T.A. carrier, to receive shipments, to execute Air Way bills and to collect charges (aircargo).

I.A.T.A. Member

An airline which is a member of I.A.T.A. (aircargo).


See International Civil Aviation Organisation.


See Inland Clearance Depot.


See International Chamber of Shipping.


The unique data, e.g. name, number or code, determining a certain object or person.

Idle Time

The amount of ineffective time whereby the available resources are not used e.g. a container in a yard.


See International Forwarding and Transport Message Framework.


Setting on fire or catching fire.


See International Labour Organisation.


See International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code.


See International Medical Guide for Ships.


See International Maritime Organisation.


The party who makes, or on whose behalf an agent makes, an import declaration. This party may be the party who has possission of the goods or to whom the goods are consigned.

In Transit

The status of goods or persons between the outwards customs clearance and inwards customs clearance.


Trade terms in coded form as established by the International Chamber of Commerce in 1953, whereafter they have been regularly updated.


Compensation for a loss and/or the expenses incurred, or a protection against damage or loss.

Independent Demand

A demand which is unrelated to demand for other products. Demand for finished goods, parts required for destructive testing and service parts requirements are examples of independent demand.

Indirect Route

Any route other than the direct route (aircargo).


Capable to be set on fire under given circumstances.


System of roads, waterways, airfields, ports and/or telecommunication networks in a certain area.

Inland Clearance Depot

Abbreviation: I.C.D.

Inland location where cargo, particulary containerised, may be cleared by customs.

Inland Waterways Bill of Lading

Transport document made out to a named person, to order or to bearer, signed by the carrier and handed to the sender after receipt of the goods.

Insulated Container

Thermal container without the use of devices for cooling and/or heating. Containers of this type have type codes 20 and 21.

Insulated Tank Container

Container frame holding one or more thermal insulated tanks for liquids.


A system of protection against loss under which a number of parties agrees to pay certain sums (premiums) periodically for a guarantee that they will be compensated under certain conditions for any specified loss or damage.

Insurance Certificate

Proof of an insurance contract.

Insurance Company

The party covering the risks of the issued goods and/or services that are insured.


Reciprocal exchange of e.g. information between two or more parties.


As opposite to coastal water operations, intercoastal refers to water transport carried out between coasts (e.g. between pacific and atlantic coasts).


A co-operative formed by 19 European Railways, for the management of international rail container traffic in Europe.

Interim Receipt

A receipt given by a carrier pending execution of an Air Waybill (aircargo).

Interline Agreement

The cooperation between two or more airlines for the carriage over particular routes (aircargo).

Interline Cariage

The carriage over the routes of two or more parties of an interline agreement (aircargo).

Interline Carrier

A carrier with whom another carrier has an interline agreement.

Intermodal Transport

The transport of the same goods by means of different modes of transport. Synonym: Multimodal Transport.

International Air Transport Association

Abbreviation: I.A.T.A.

An international organisation of airlines, founded in 1945, with the aim of promoting the commercial air traffic. This should be achieved by cooperation between parties concerned and by performance of certain rules, procedures and tariffs, regarding both cargo and passengers, by those parties.

International Association of Classification Societies

Abbreviation: I.A.C.S.

An organization in which the major classification societies, among others American Bureau of Shipping. Lloyd s Register of Shipping and Germanischer Lloyd, are joined, whose principal aim is the improvement of standards concerning safety at sea.

International Carriage

Carriage whereby the place of departure and any place of landing are situated in more than one country (aircargo).

International Chamber of Shipping

Abbreviation: I.C.S.

A voluntary organisation of national shipowners associations with the objective to promote interests of its members, primarily in the technical and legal fields of shipping operations.

International Civil Aviation Organisation

Abbreviation: I.C.A.O.

An international organisation of governments, dealing with search and rescue in distress, weather information, telecommunications and navigational requirements.

International Forwarding and Transport Message Framework

Abbreviation I.F.T.M.F.R.

A message framework suitable for all modes of transport or combinations of modes of transport in international forwarding and transport. The message framework has been designed to cover the information needs for the varies aspects of the forwarding and transport of goods, e.g. booking, waybill, bill of lading, arrival, ordering and contract status. Note: Publication UN/ECE/WP.4-R592.

International Labour Organisation

Abbreviation: I.L.O.

A United Nations agency, dealing with employment rights and working conditions, covering work at sea and in ports.

International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

Abbreviation: I.M.D.G. Code.

A code, representing the classification of dangerous goods as defined by the International Maritime Organisation (I.M.O.) in compliance with international legal requirements.

International Maritime Organisation

Abbreviation: I.M.O.

A United Nations agency concerned with safety at sea. Its work includes codes and rules relating to tonnage measurement of vesseld, load lines, pollution and the carriage of dangerous goods. Its previous name was the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation (I.M.C.O.).

International Medical Guide for Ships

Abbreviation: I.M.G.S.

"The doctor at sea".

International Transport and Information System

Abbreviation: I.N.T.I.S.

An organisation with the aim to improve the position of the port of Rotterdam by the development, realisation and exploitation of a communication- and information network for computers.

International Standards Organisation

Abbreviation: I.S.O.

A worldwide federation of national standards institutes (I.S.O. member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out ghrough ISO technical committees.

ISO 668:1988 Series 1 freight containers, Classification, dimensions and ratings.

ISO 830:1981 Freight containers - Terminology

Amendment 1: 1984 (Trilingual edition)

Amendment 2: 1988 (Trilingual edition)

ISO 1161:1984 Series 1 freight containers - Corner fittings - Specification

ISO 1496-1:1990 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 1: General cargo containers for general purposes.

ISO 1496-2:1988 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 2: Thermal Containers.

ISO 1496-3:1991 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 3: Tank containers for liquids, gases and pressurized dry bulk.

ISO 1496-4:1991 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 4: Non-pressurized containers for dry bulk.

ISO 1496-5:1991 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 5: Platform and platform based containers.

ISO 1496-6c:1977 Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 6c): Platform based containers, open-sided, with complete superstructure.

ISO 2308:1972 Hooks for lifting freight containers of up to 30 tonnes capacity - Basic requirements.

ISO 3874:1988 Series 1 freight containers - Handling and securing Amendment 1:1990

ISO 6346:1984 Freight containers - Coding, identification and marking

Amendment 1: 1988

ISO 8323:1985 Freight containers - Air/surface (intermodal) general purpose containers - Specification and tests.

ISO 9669:1990 Series 1 freight containers - Interface connections for tank containers.

Amendment 1:1992 Sections 3 and 4

ISO 9711-1:1990 Freight containers - Information related to containers on board vessels - Part 1: Bay plan system.

ISO 9711-2:1990 Freight containers - Information realted to containers on board vessels - Part 2: Telex data transmission.

ISO 9897-1:1990 Freight containers - Container equipment data exchange (CEDEX)- Part 1: General communication codes

ISO 9897-3:1990 Freight containers - Container equipment data exchange (CEDEX)- Part 3: Message types for electronic data interchange.

ISO 10368:1992 Freight thermal containers - Remote condition monitoring.

ISO 10374:1991 Freight containers - Automatic identification.


See International Transport and Information System.


1) A detailed list of goods located in a certain space or belonging to a specific object
2) Goods available for satisfying certain demands. Inventories may consist of finished goods ready for sale, they may be parts or intermediate items, they may be work in progress or they may be raw materials. Synonym: Stock.


1) An account from the supplier, for goods and/or sevices supplied by him
2) An enumeration of goods shipped and/or services rendered, stating quantities, prices, fees, shipping charges, terms, etc.


See International Standards Organisation. A worldwide federation of national standards institutes (I.S.O. member bodies).

I.S.O. Freight Container

Freight container complying with all relevant ISO container standards in existence at the time of its manufacture.

Issuing Carrier

The carrier whose Air Waybill is issued (aircargo).


Separate article or unit.


The route of a means of transport, indicated by the names of the ports of call or other locations, often including estimated arrival and departure dates.