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Cairgo - Dunnage Bags For Damage Prevention's glossary
Cairgo - Dunnage Bags For Damage Prevention's New SuperFlow System

Glossary - T


A person who records the number of cargo together with the condition thereof at the time it is loaded into or discharged from a vessel.

Tank Container

(See ISO 1496/3) A freightcontainer, which includes two basis elements, the tank or tanks and the framework, and complies with the requirements of ISO 1496/3. Containers of this type have type codes 70 to 79.


A vessel designed for the carriage of liquid cargo in bulk.

Tank or Tanks

The vessel or vessels, and associated piping and fittings which are designed to confine the goods carried.

Tare Mass of Container

See Tare Weight of Container.

Tare Weight of Container

Mass of an empty container including all fittings and appliances associated with that particular type of container on its normal operating condition. Synonym: Tare Mass of Container.


The schedule of rates, charges and related transport conditions.


Waterproof material, e.g. canvas, to spread over cargo to protect it from getting wet.


See Trade Electronic Data Interchange Systems.


See Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit.

Test Pressure

The gauge pressure at which the tank is tested.

Thermal Container

(See ISO 1496/2).

A freight container built with insulating walls, doors, floor and roof by which heat exchange with the environment is minimized thus limiting temperature variations of the cargo.

Through Charge

The total rate from point of departure to point of destination. It may be a joint rate of a combination of rates (aircargo). Synonym: Through Rate.

Through Rate

See Through Charge.

Through Route

The total route from point of departure to point of destination (aircargo).


A horizontal division of a vessel from bottom to top. The numbers run from bottom to deck and from deck upwards and are used as a part of the indication of a stowage place for containers.

Time Charter

A contract whereby a vessel is let to a charterer for a stipulated period of time or voyage, for a renumeration known as hire, generally a monthly rate per ton deadweight or a daily rate. The charterer is free to emply the vessel as he thinks fit within the terms as agreed, but the shipowner continues to manage his own vessel through the master and crew who remain his servants.

Time Sheet

Statement, drawn up by the sip s agent at the loading and discharging ports, which detials the time worked in loading and discharging the cargo together with the amount of laytime used.


See Transport International by Road.


See Trailer On Flat Car.

Top Side Rail

Longitudinal structural member at the bottom of a side of a container joining the bottom corner fittings of the side in question. In platform based containers which are open sided and open top, these longitudinal members may be removable, and are not necessarily intended to take longitudinal loadings. In open top containers, they may be used to support removable (or sliding) roof bows, which in turn support a canvas or plastic cover.

Total Capacity

The volume of water which will completely fill the tank at 20°.


The function of maintaining status information, including current location, of containers, either full or empty.


The power to grip or hold to a surface while moving without slipping.


A powered vehicle designed and used for towing other vehicles.


A commercial connection between two or more individual markets.

Trade Electronic Data Interchange Systems

Abbreviation: T.E.D.I.S. A European community programme on the development of Electronic Data Interchange and the coordination of the work regarding Electronic Data Interchange in the member states.


The number of passengers, quality of cargo etc. carried over a certain route.


A vehicle without motive power, designed for the carriage of cargo and to be towed by a motor vehicle.

Trailer On Flat Car

Abbreviation: T.O.F.C. Carriage of piggyback highway trailers on specially equipped railway wagons.

Tramp Vessel

A vessel not operating under a regular schedule.

Trans Siberian Landbridge

Overland route from Europe to the Far East via the Trans Siberian Railway (T.S.R.).

Transfer Cargo

Cargo arriving at a point by one flight and continuing therefrom by another flight (aircargo).

Transferring Carrier

A participating carrier who delivers the consignment to another carrier at a transfer point (aircargo).


Transfer of cargo from one means of transport into another for oncarriage.

Transit Cargo

1) Cargo between outwards customs clearance and inwards customs clearance.
2) Cargo arriving at a point and departing therefrom by the same through flight (aircargo).


A device (chip) used for identification which automatically transmits certain coded data when actuated by a special signal from an interrogator.


See Carriage.

Transport Documents

See Shipping Documents.

Transport International by Road

Abbreviation: T.I.R. A set of rules following a customs convention to facilitate the international, European transport of goods by road with minimal interference under cover of TIR-carnets.


See Voyage.


Class of automotive vehicles of various sizes and designs for transporting goods.

Truck Bolster

The transverse load carrying member of the truck which receives, throught the center plate, the weight of the car and transmits it to the truck frame.

Truck Centers

The distance from conterline to centerline of the freight car truck bolsters.

Truck Side Bearing

A non-yielding supplemental support between the car body and truck which offers the means of transmitting body rocking forces into the truck spring system.


The stretch between two hubs mutually.


Brand name of tractor unit used in ports to pull trailers. They are equipped with a fifth wheel or a gooseneck type of coupling.


Cargo carrying surface below the main deck dividing a hold horizontally in an upper and a lower compartment.

Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit

Abbreviation: T.E.U. Unit of measurement equivalent to one twenty foot shipping container.


Device which has to be inserted into the corner fittings of a shipping container and is turned or twisted, thus locking the container for the purpose of securing or lifting.

Two Way Pallet

A pallet of which the frame permits the entry of forks of e.g. a fork lift at two opposite sides.

Type of Equipment

The type of material used, e.g. 40 feet container, four way pallet or mafi trailer.

Type of means of transport

The type of vehicle used in the transport process, e.g. wide-body aircraft, tank truck or passenger vessel.

Type of Movement

Description of the type of carriage: all possible combinations of "house", "terminal" and "pier", e.g. house-house, house-terminal.