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Cairgo - Dunnage Bags For Damage Prevention's glossary
Cairgo - Dunnage Bags For Damage Prevention's New SuperFlow System

Glossary - S


See Single Administrative Document.

Safe Working Load

Abbreviation: S.W.L.

The maximum load any lifting appliance may handle.

Safety Stock

1) In general, a quantity of stock planned to be in inventory to protect against fluctuations in demand and/or supply.
2) In the context of master production scheduling, safety stock can refer to additional inventory and/or capacity planned as protection against forecast errors and/or short terms changes in the backlog. Also referred to as "overplanning" or a "market hedge". Synonym: Reserve Inventory.

Said to Contain

Abbreviation: S.T.C.

Term in a Bill of Lading signifying that the master and the carrier are unaware of the nature of quantity of the contents of e.g. a carton, crate, container or bundle and are relying on the description furnished by the shipper.


The saving or rescue of a vessel and/or the cargo from loss and/or damage at sea.

Scale Ton

Freighting measurement used in certain trades for various commodities.


See Special Drawing Rights.


A device used for containers, lockers, trucks or lorries to proof relevant parties that they have remained closed during transport.

Seal Log

A document used to record seal numbers.

Seasonal Inventory

Inventory built up in anticipation of a seasonal peak of demand in order to smooth production.


Fitness of a vessel for a particular voyage with a particular cargo.

Sectional Rate

The rate established by scheduled air carrier(s) for a section of a through route (aircargo).


See Shipper's Export Declaration.

Seller's Market

A "seller s market" is considered to exist when goods cannot easily be secured and when the economic forces of business tend to be priced at the vendor s estimate of value. In other words, a state of trade favorable to the seller with relatively great demand and high prices of something for sale.

Semi Trailer

A vehicle without motive power and with one or more axles designed to be drawn by a truck tractor and constructed in such way that a portion of its weight and that of its load rest upon e.g. the fifth wheel of the towing vehicle.


See Shipper.

Service Bill

See Bill of Lading.

Service Level

A measure for the extent to which the customer orders can be executed by delivery conditions normally accepted in the market.

Settlement Office

The institution to issue billings to and receive remittances from agents and to distribute the monies to C.A.S.S. airlines. BIlling Participants and Part Participants (aircargo).


See Warehouse.


See Vessel.


1) A separately identifiable collection of goods to be carried.
2) See Consignment. Note: In the USA the word shipment is used in stead of the word consignment.

Ship's Protest

Statement of the master of a vessel before (in the presence of) competent authorities, concerning exceptional events which occurred during a voyage.


The party by whom, in whose name or on whose behalf a contract of carriage of goods has been concluded with a carrier or any party by whom, in whose name or on whose behalf the goods are actually delivered to the carrier in relation to the contract of carriage. Synonym: Consignor, Sender.

Shipper's Export Declaration

Abbreviation: S.E.D.

A US customs form to be completed for all exports to assist the government in compiling export statistics.

Shipper's Letter of Introduction

Abbreviation: S.L.I.

A document containing instructions given by the shipper of the shipper s agent for preparing documents and forwarding (aircargo).

Shipping Documents

Documents required for the carriage of goods. Synonym: Transport Documents.

Shipping Instruction

Document advising details of cargo and exporter s requirements of its physical movement.

Shipping Label

A label attached to a shipping unit, containing certain data.

Shipping Marks

The identification shown on individual packages in order to help in moving it withour delay or confusion to its final destination and to enable the checking of cargo against documents. Synonym: Marks.

Shipping Note

Document provided by the shipper or his agent to the carrier, multimodal transport operator, terminal or other receiving authority, giving information about export consignments offered for transport, and providing for the necessary receipts and declarations of liability.

Shrink Wrapping

Heat treatment that shrinks an envelope of poly-ethylen or similar substance around several units, thus forming one unit. It is used e.g. to secure packages on a pallet.

Shuttle Service

The carriage back and forth over an often short route between two points.


See Standard Industrial Classification.

Side Door

Load bearing panel located in a side wall, arranged to open or close an aperture having prescribed minimum width and height.

Side Wall

Side closure of a freight container bounded by and affixed to, but not including, top and bottom side rails or corner structures.

Notes: Side walls are assumed, unless otherwise stated, to be load bearing to the minimum extent required for the type of container in question.

Reference to "equivalent structures" means structures having the same strength as side walls but not necessarily the same weatherproofness.

The term "side frame" is occasionally used, but since it cannot be defined without considerable overlap with the much more commonly used terms "end frame" and "base structure", its use is to be discouraged except for tank containers.

Side Fillers

Plywood faced adjustable metal frames full height of the car used to reduce the width of a boxcar fro snug side support of the lading.


A short railroad track connected with a main track by a switch to serve a warhouse or an industrial area.

Sill, center

The center longitudinal member of the rail car underframe.

Sill, end

The transverse member of the underframe extending across ends of all longitudinal sills.

Sill, intermediate

The main longitudinal members of the rail car underframe between the side sills and the center sills.

Sill, side

The outside longitudinal members of the rail car underframe.


The imitation of the reality for studying the effect of changing parameters in a model as a means of preparing a decision.

Single Administrative Document

Abbreviation: S.A.D.

A set of documents, replacing the various (national) forms for customs declaration within European Community, implemented on January 1st, 1988. The introduction of the S.A.D. constitutes an intermediate stage in the abolition of all administrative documentation in intra European Community trade in goods between member states.


National organisation for the Simplification of International Trade PROcedures. E.g. in the Netherlands SITPRO is called "Sitproneth", in France "Simprofrance" and in Japan "Jastpro".

Skeleton Trailer

Road trailer consisting of a frame and wheels, specially designed to carry containers.


Battens fitted underneath frames, boxes or packages to raise them off the floor and allow easy access for fork lift trucks, slings or other handling equipment.


See Shipper's Letter of Introduction.

Sliding Door

A door which opens by moving side wise.

Sliding Tandem

An undercarriage with a subframe having provision for conventient fore and aft adjustment of its position on the chassis/semi-trailer. The purpose being to be able to shift part of the load to either the king pin or the suspension to maximize legally permitted axle loads (road cargo).


Special chain, wire rope, synthetic fibre strap or ropes used for cargo handling purposes.


The space on board a vessel, required by one TEU, mainly used for administrative purposes.

Slot Charter

A voyage charter whereby the shipowner agrees to place a certain number of container slots (TEU and/or FEU) at the charterer s disposal.


See Strategic Logistics Systems.

Space Charter

A voyage charter for a certain quantity of cargo, whereby the shipowner has the liberty to complete with other (space charter) cargoes.

Special Drawing Rights

Abbreviation: S.D.R.

Unit of accoutn from the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) i.a. used to express the amount of the limitations of a carrier s libility.

Special Rate

A rate other than a normal rate (aircargo).

Specially equipped cars

An "XL" boxcar having permanent interior equipment for bracing a load.

Specific Cargo Container

This is a general term applied to those types of containers which are primarily intende for the carriage of particular categories of cargo.

Specific Commodity Rate

Abbreviation: S.C.R.

A rate applicable to carriage of specifically designated commodities (aircargo).

Specific Purpose Container

This is a general term applicable to all general cargo containers having constructional features either for the "specific Purpose" of facilitating packing and emptying other than by means of doors at one end of the container, or for other specific purposes such as ventilation.

Specified Rate

A rate specified in an I.A.T.A. Cargo Tariff Coordination Conference resolution (aircargo).


The stretch between a hub and one of the group of consignees and/or consignors being served by the hub.

Spontaneous Ignition Temperature

The lowest temperature at which a substance will start burning spontaneously without an external source of ignition.


1) Device used for lifting containers and unitised cargo.
2) Beam or frame that holds the slings vertical when hoisting a load, to prevent damage to cargo.


The capacity of a vessel to return to its original position after having been displaced by external forces. The stability of a vessel depends on the meta-centric height.


To pile boxes, bags, containers etc. on top of each other.

Stacking Capability

Abilitiy of a container to support a certain number of fully loaded containers of the same nominal length and the same rating under the acceleration conditions encountered in ship cell structures, taking into account relative eccentricities between containers due to cell structure clearances.

Standard Industrial Classification

Abbreviation: S.I.C.

A method, used in the US, to categorize companies into different industrial groups.


Right side of a vessel when facing towards the front or forward end.

State of Origin

The state in the territory in which the cargo was first loaded on board of an aircraft (aircargo).

State of the Operator

The state in which the operator has his principal place of business or, if he has no such place of business, his permanent residence (aircargo).


See Said to Contain.

Steering of Containers

The function, with the aid of pecific software for tracking and forecasting (IRMA, MINKA), to direct empty containers to demanding areas at minimum costs.


The foremost part of a vessel.


The aftermost part of a vessel.


A party running a business of which the functions are loading, stowing and discharging vessels.


See Inventory.

Stock Locator System

A system in which all places within a warehouse are named or numbered.


Keeping goods in a warehouse.

Storage Charge

The fee for keeping goods in a warehouse.


Provisions and supplies on board required for running a vessel.

Storm Door

See Sliding Door.


The placing and securing of cargo or containers on board a vessel or an aircraft or of cargo in a container.

Stowage Factor

Ration of a cargo s cubic measurement to its weight, expressed in cubic feet to the ton or cubic metres to the tonne, used in order to determine the total quantity of cargo which can be loaded in a certain space.

Stowage Instructions

Imperative details about the way certain cargo is to be stowed, given by the shipper of his agent.

Stowage Plan

A plan indicating the locations on the vessel of all the consignments for the benefit of stevedores and vessel s officers.


A person who hides on board of a vessel or an aircraft to get free passage, to evade port officials etc.

Straddle Carrier

Wheeled vehicle designed to lift and carry shipping containers within its own framework. It is used for moving and sometimes stacking, shipping containers at a container terminal.

Straddle Crane

A crane usually running on rails and spanning an open area such as railtracks or roadways.


A band of metal, plastic or other flexible material used to hold cargo or cases together.

Strategic Logistics Systems

Abbreviation: S.L.S.

A company founded by the Nedlloyd Group and Softbricge, developing and offering the transportation industry workstation software, fulfilling user s requirments based on integration of information from different sources both internally and externally.


The leg between two points.

Striking plate

A member placed on the ends of the center sills of freight cars against which the horn of the coupler strikes preventing damage to the draft gear and the center sills.


The unloading of cargo out of a container. Synonym: Devanning.


Base structures: Rigid assembly in which the components most commonly found are:

a) four bottom corner fittings;
b) two bottom side rails;
c) two bottom end transverse members;
d) a floor and floor bearers (except in tank types);
e) such optional features as fork lift pockets, grappler arm lifting areas and/or a gooseneck tunnel.

Note: Base structures also include load transfer areas. These are at prescribed positions to allow for load transfer between the container and a carrying vehicle. The term "base" is sometimes used as a synonym for the term "base structure".


The loading of cargo into a container. Synonym: Vanning.


Striving for optimum performance in one element of an organization disregarding the effects this may cause to the performance of the other elements. In other words, a solution for a problem that is best from a narrow point of view but not from a higher or overall company point of view.


Part of a stretch. This term is used if it is necessary to distinguish between a stretch and a part thereof.


Experienced officer assigned by the charterer of a vessel to advise the management of the vessel and protect the interests of the charterer.

Supply Vessel

Vessel which carriers stock and stores to drilling rigs.


An additional charge added to the usual or customary freight.


An inspection of a certain item or object by a recognized specialist.


A representative of a classification bureau or an otherwise recignized specialist who carries out surveys.


See Safe Working Load.


The simultaneous joint action of separate parties which, together, have greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.